Saturday, 30 March 2013

Improvement in Winning Percentage

In an earlier post, I calculated the expected runs that would be scored by a team using linear weights and an optimal assignment of plate appearances between the players on the team. I found that the expected number of runs scored would increase from 90 in 2012 to 104 in 2013.

In another earlier post, I calculated the expected number of runs allowed based on a linear model of the pitchers and an equitable distribution on innings for each pitcher. I found that the expected number of runs allowed in 2013 is 120.

Also in an earlier post, I described the Pythagorean formula to estimate the win percentage from the runs for and against.

If I assume that the other teams in the league do nothing to improve while team G optimizes the plate appearances and pitchers innings, I can estimate the number of runs for and against for the 7 teams in 2013 based on the runs for and against in 2012 and the improvement of team G.

Below is a table which shows the estimated win percentages for the 7 teams in 2013 based on the runs for and against estimated for 2013.

2012 2013
Team RF RA RF RA Win Pct
A 109 59 109 61 0.765
B 94 81 94 83 0.562
C 92 86 92 88 0.521
E 106 113 106 116 0.456
G 90 119 104 120 0.429
D 74 84 74 86 0.425
F 79 102 79 105 0.364

We can see that in 2013, team G would move to 5th place in the standings based on estimated win percentage.

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